To: President Donald Trump, The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Against Democratic Women Seeking a State ban on Vasectomies

This petition is directly against the Anti-Vasectomy Act and its author - Rep. Yasmine Neal - House District 75. According to Yasmine - "“Thousands of children are deprived of birth in this state every year because of the lack of state regulation over vasectomies,” said Rep. Yasmin Neal, author of the bill. “It is patently unfair that men can avoid unwanted fatherhood by presuming that their judgment over such matters is more valid than the judgment of the General Assembly, while women’s ability to decide is constantly up for debate throughout the United States.”

House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams added, “The Republican attack on women’s reproductive rights is unconscionable. What is more deplorable is the hypocrisy of HB 954’s author. If we follow his logic, we believe it is the obligation of this General Assembly to assert an equally invasive state interest in the reproductive habits of men and substitute the will of the government over the will of adult men" (J. Calloway).

Hypocrisy? Where is it? Most woman are angry that the government is in their bedrooms – and yes, they may be “trying” to get there – but just because that is occurring to women in the 21st century, does not give women the right to do unto others. Two wrongs do NOT make a right. What is see here, is a woman who is angered that a man can receive a hysterectomy, and she cannot receive an abortion without some sort of governmental interference. But – she, being a policy maker, can in fact pay for an abortion out of her pocket – without governmental interference, and without the government even knowing if she is careful enough. This case is prejudicial, bigoted and biased, and it should not be made law, just because “women” feel the need of “equal rights”, when it comes down to birth control. A Vasectomy is not killing anyone or anything – it is preventing the seed of a man from having a heart beat – thus creating a child. A Woman can – in fact receive birth control (and she can even purchase it over the counter) freely. But a vasectomy is not an abortion – it is birth control, before the abortion is needed. This bill should not pass, for it is not equal to what occurs to women and/or Yasmine’s arguments.

References: Calloway, Jr. (2012) Atlanta Journal Constitution. Political Insider. February 22, 2012. Georgia.

Why is this important?

This petition is directly against the Anti-Vasectomy Act and its author - Rep. Yasmine Neal - House District 75. She states that just like women, men should not be able to voluntarily have a vasectomy, to use as birthcontrol - and just like women - if they are allowed to, it is only for just cause to save a life.