To: Joseph Dream


I am a Bible-believing, church-attending follower of Jesus Christ and I am asking white and black American pastors to racially integrate their respective churches to a minimum of 35% of their membership - courageously and humbly affirming God's mandate that we live in unity, peace and love.

Why is this important?

Our nation is racially divided, including American churches. Ninety-three percent of American churches are either 95-100% white or 90-95% black. American church segregation has persisted since slavery days and must cease. It opposes our commitment to divine, unconditional love (agape love) and unity among Christian believers and sustains a non-integrated institution in the United States. If white and black American Christians integrate their churches, their love, courage and humility will overflow into our racially and politically divided land. When the church heals itself, it will have the integrity and divine power to heal the nation.
