We ask that you urge VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to obey Public Law 110-387 and provide "comprehensive health care" to the several hundred children of Vietnam vets having birth defects connected to their parents exposure to A/O in Vietnam.
Why is this important?
In 2008 Congress has passed legislation (PUBLIC LAW 110-387 SECTION 408) to provide comprehensive health care for the birth defect A/O children of Vietnam combat vets exposed to Agent Orange.. Five Years LATER, the VA has STILL NOT provided the care legislated by Congress in 2008. They stall and verbally tap dance for year after year.
My mission with this petition is to EMBARRASS the VA bureaucrats into simply obeying federal law PL 110 387 SECTION 408.
I will do so, or bust a gut. All help appreciated. Ron Nesler 812 270 0699