To: Mayor Inglewood, Ca. and Councilman Inglewood, Ca.

Akeem Leggins

Our goal is to send a strong message to the leadership of Inglewood, CA to demand justice for our loved one, Akeem Leggins, and to promote safety in our community.

Why is this important?

Alarmingly, there have been at least 140 senseless murders of innocent people (mostly minorities) in the city of Inglewood, California. Most of the murderers were never caught and continue to roam freely, bringing to harm others and never paying for their crime.

Our loved one, Akeem Leggins, 23, was murdered and was determined to be the 140th victim to die as a result of a senseless shootings in Inglewood. Sadly, it does not seem the Inglewood Police Department is making it a priority to find the individual or individuals who murdered him, a step that is necessary to help bring closure to this awful tragedy for his parents, his only sibling, his young son, family members and friends. We demand that justice be served!

Help us to send a strong message to the Mayor of Inglewood and to the City Councilman that we demand justice for our beloved Akeem and for the many other victims of these heinous, unresolved murders in this crime-filled city. Please sign this petition and forward it to your family and friends. Our goal is to obtain at least 1,500 signatures by July 30, 2014 to present to the leadership of the city of Inglewood. Together we can make this happen. Thank you for your support.

God Bless You