To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

ALEC Corruption Ends Now

ALEC is anti-democratic and corrupt to the bone. Every politician that has associated with them is committing a serious crime against all americans constitutional rights. They help ALEC poison our food supply, our water supply and our government at every level. Every one of their crony legislative members should resign, immediately.

Why is this important?

I would like every legislative member of ALEC to resign. As politician they understand all to well the corruption involved in subverting our democracy, intentionally, and it should be considered an act of treason. The members of ALEC poison our food source, our fresh-water sources, our judiciary, our schools, our healthcare and our congress, all behind closed doors. Those legislators in cahoots have committed serious crimes of treason while ignoring their duty to legislate on OUR behalf. THEY MUST GO!!