To: Pam Nicholson, CEO of Enterprise Holdings
ALEC is bad for our democracy. It’s time for Enterprise to drive away from ALEC!
The American Legislative Exchange Council is a corporate lobbying group masquerading as a charity that lets special interests lobbyists and lawmakers vote on “model” bills as equals. Enterprise must immediately cut ties with ALEC and stop funding their anti-democracy agenda.
Why is this important?
Enterprise, the largest rental car company in the United States, is a funder and member of ALEC -- the shadowy corporate lobbying group that is weakening our democracy while pretending to be a charity.
ALEC works behind closed doors to help big corporations like Exxon Mobil, Comcast, Pfizer, & Koch Industries secretly lobby politicians for favorable treatment.
Ordinary voters and everyday Americans’ voices are being shut out of the process; whether it's big oil or big tobacco, corporations should not be able to get a tax write-off for funding a lobbying organization that lets corporations have the same say on “model” bills as lawmakers.
We all pay the price with more pollution, lower wages, higher medical bills, and cuts to public schools when ALEC’s corporate-backed “model bills” undermine environmental protections, access to healthcare, workers’ rights, and public education funding. It’s a system that undermines our democracy, putting wealthy special interests above the American people.
It’s surprising that Enterprise is funding ALEC, given that over 100 major companies like Google, Coca-Cola, Facebook, General Motors, Expedia, and Ford Motor Company have all left ALEC in recent years, due to its extreme agenda and the fact that ALEC is committing tax fraud as it works as a lobbying group but is registered as charity. That means corporations like Enterprise can get a tax write-off for their funding to ALEC.
Our democracy should belong to all of us, not just wealthy special interests at ALEC. That’s why Enterprise needs to join over 100 other major companies and stop funding ALEC’s dangerous corporate-funded political agenda and anti-democratic activities.
ALEC works behind closed doors to help big corporations like Exxon Mobil, Comcast, Pfizer, & Koch Industries secretly lobby politicians for favorable treatment.
Ordinary voters and everyday Americans’ voices are being shut out of the process; whether it's big oil or big tobacco, corporations should not be able to get a tax write-off for funding a lobbying organization that lets corporations have the same say on “model” bills as lawmakers.
We all pay the price with more pollution, lower wages, higher medical bills, and cuts to public schools when ALEC’s corporate-backed “model bills” undermine environmental protections, access to healthcare, workers’ rights, and public education funding. It’s a system that undermines our democracy, putting wealthy special interests above the American people.
It’s surprising that Enterprise is funding ALEC, given that over 100 major companies like Google, Coca-Cola, Facebook, General Motors, Expedia, and Ford Motor Company have all left ALEC in recent years, due to its extreme agenda and the fact that ALEC is committing tax fraud as it works as a lobbying group but is registered as charity. That means corporations like Enterprise can get a tax write-off for their funding to ALEC.
Our democracy should belong to all of us, not just wealthy special interests at ALEC. That’s why Enterprise needs to join over 100 other major companies and stop funding ALEC’s dangerous corporate-funded political agenda and anti-democratic activities.