To: Alhambra School District Governing Board

Alhambra School District Move Your Money!

We the Community members of the Alhambra School District and Phoenix, Arizona, are asking the Alhambra School District Governing Board to divest from Wells Fargo Banking Business Accounts to a community based bank.

We believe the Board better serve the community by banking at a community based bank that will use those resources to serve our local citizens.

Why is this important?

Community members in Phoenix, and concerned parents and residents in the Alhambra School District are asking the district’s Governing Board to transfer its investments (which are paid by our property taxes) from Wells Fargo bank to a Community based bank. We are asking you, as members of this community, to sign our petition urging the board of Governors to consider closing the Alhambra School Districts accounts at Wells Fargo Bank and moving these investments to a Community based bank.

Wells Fargo bank is an international Banking institution that in many ways drains our community resources by not paying their fair share in income taxes, foreclosing on over 55,000 homes in the Phoenix area, and reluctance to refinance mortgages to help people stay in their homes.
