To: Rep. Nita Lowey (NY-17), Sen. Charles Schumer (NY-1), and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-2)

All are equal on the net; don't change that ever!

Don't allow anyone or company ever have more power on the internet. 99.9 % of the people could never afford to be on TV. 100% of us can afford the internet and that is the only free speech left. Our constitutional right but not on TV!

Why is this important?

My God, it's the only level playing field left. I hope to launch a website soon to sell a product that I created . I can't afford a TV commercial or hire a sales force . I need the internet. Also my wife and daughter became very sick and we were able to research medicines and Doctors and reviews. I have been educated to many real life important issues by Moveon and other sites INVALUABLE!
