To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

All For Profit Lobbyist Out of Washington D.C.

All For Profit Lobbyists Out Of Washington D.C.
Big Oil, Big Banks, Foreign Interests, etc. buying our
Congressmen, their votes and our country.

Why is this important?

Our Country, Our Liberty, Our Freedom, even our Daily Lives are being bought and sold in the hallways and back rooms of our Capital. Big Oil, Big Banks, Big Energy, Big Insurance, Foreign Interests and Super PACs, etc. Dare I say the 1% have in place master manipulators that literally buy our elected officials and their vote.
Our Congress is being used as pawns in a fight over power and pure greed with zero regard for everyday hard working Americans.Saudi Arabia said they can pump all the oil we need
and theres no real reason gas is four dollars a gallon.Big oil , Big banks are Speculating on oil futures playing the same ole games on Wall Street.putting the screws to almost everyone's budget.The list of issues and the deception for profit are many
helped along with our bought and paid for do nothing Congress.
Courtesy of Big Oil and Big Bank, etc., lobbyists and their underhanded robbing of American Citizens. Please sign this petition and spread the word.. Our United States Congress and other elected officials are not for sale any longer. We have to start somewhere.