To: The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer

All Handicapped/Disabled are entitled a to a reserved for handicapped resident only permit sign w...

All handicapped/disabled should be entitled reserved handicapped resident only/w permit sign, living in apartments.

Why is this important?

I cannot get one even though I am totally handicapped. My right to be disabled has been nullified even though I have been handicapped since 1990. My apt. complex states I must pay for one even though other residents have not. A complete/thorough investigation was never properly excuted by fair housing/civil rights. They state because I live on the 2nd floor, I am not entitled. I had handicapped parking when I moved here, then they took it away. I want to be protected by police with just a "reserved" sign, I am not and constantly harassed. How many times should a disabled person be harassed, once, twice, sometimes, never, akways?
