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To: The United States Senate

All Lives Matter!

Justice for everyone who lost their lives to authority. A difference needs to be made for these people, a difference in police authority -- A difference for all.

Why is this important?

I've been seeing too many lives being taken by police for something so small or for nothing at all. Sandra Bland's case in particular is my motivation for this movement. I want justice for not only her but for all the others who lost their lives and their voices weren't heard. They will be heard now with the help of American citizens who care, who want to see a change, who want to feel safe; being protected by police and not in danger when they get pulled over for something, or stopped on the street by a cop. Things should change, and if enough people care, THINGS WILL CHANGE!



2020-06-07 12:10:05 -0400

50 signatures reached