To: DC Council and DC Mayor Gray

All New DC Revenue Goes to DC Schools

At least 90% of all net revenue generated from traffic cameras and from Internet taxes (should the federal legislation become law) must be directed exclusively toward DC public education, including charter schools.

Why is this important?

The state of DC schools are appalling. Many of the schools in the poorest communities are rundown and dilapidated. Despite all the increases in revenue the DC Council fails to add additional revenue to our failing schools that are 100% located in low income communities. How can DC benefit from a ten fold increase in revenue from traffic tickets, tourism, and proposed Internet taxes and not dedicate all that money to our public schools. It is embarrassing and shameful that all the good DC schools are located in the most affluent DC neighborhoods. Enough is enough. We are one city and we have to act like it! Join me in demanding the best schools in the country for all our residents including the poor, the just making it, and the middle class.