To: The Ohio State House and The United States House of Representatives

All veterans should get "Veterans Day" off from work

Allow all who have served in all levels of the Military to get "Veteran's Day" off from work.

Why is this important?

My husband served 22 years in the National Guard and every year when "Veteran's Day" comes around he has to go to work because his work place does not observe this holiday, while I see friends and neighbors who never served a day in their life in the military get the day off. This seems to be an injustice to all of the men and women who have given so much of their time and their families that have given up much of their time with their (spouse, father, mother, etc..) while they served. I remember my children and I spending many holidays, birthdays, etc.. (without their father, my husband) while he was activated to take care of blizzards, floods, etc.. Only to not be allowed to enjoy Veteran's Day off from work that he so deserves and if he wants to get that day off he has to take a vacation day, which is not right! It's an insult!
With your help maybe we can get this changed so that men & women who have served in any military be allowed to get the day off that they deserve.
This is the least we can do to thank those who have given so much of their time, that have been there to help so many during disasters and emergencies and so that we can have and enjoy our freedom. Thank you!
