To: Athena Goldberg, AllCare Behavioral Heath Director, Richard Williams, AllCare Board Chair, Jessica Durrant, AllCare Board Member, Karla McCafferty, Options ED, Leslee O'Brien, Options Board President, Denise Olson, Options Board Vice Pre...

AllCare Patients Over Profits!

We, the AllCare members, their families, and the Jackson County community do not agree with the transfer of providers from JCMH to Options. We demand that you stop this transfer because it is a drastic cut to our services and quality of care due to Options not having the appropriate number of staff and vital wrap around services that we need in this area! We know that you are doing this to save a buck no matter how your PR spins it. We also know that you are well aware that Options cannot support the transition of this many members and their service needs, but you continue the transfer because less services means you pay less per member. These business practices are why you were able to pay your stockholders 3 million dollars in dividends in 2016. We, the AllCare members, their families, and the Jackson County community will not stand for this! We demand you to pick the Patients over Profits!

Why is this important?

I am an AllCare member who thinks that AllCare CCO should ask their members before they change our main provider. I am concerned with them changing our providers to small agencies that cannot meet our service needs to save a buck. Patients over Profits!