To: Allen Texas City Council and Mayor Steve Terrell

Allen Texas Needs Smoking in the Workplace Laws

The City of Allen's smoking laws are outdated and need to catch up to all the cities surrounding us on the I-75 Corridor. There should be smoking bans in the workplace, including restaurants, and there should be laws stating how far from the entrance someone must be to smoke - 250 feet away. There should be no smoking on city property or public school property, especially in public parks and their parking lots. No Smoking signs should be installed in these locations, and signage should also be on all businesses stating how far one should be from the door to smoke. A phone number should be posted on all of the no smoking signs for reporting offenders. Until we state the rules, and have some way to enforce them, we, and our children will breath second hand smoke with every trip to the grocery store, pet store, and restaurant within the city of Allen. It is high time to clean up our act and get the same smoking regulations that Plano, Richardson, McKinney, Arlington, Ft Worth, Dallas, and the rest have had for a long time.

Why is this important?

The City of Allen's smoking laws are outdated and need to catch up to all the cities surrounding us on the I-75 Corridor. There should be smoking bans in the workplace, including restaurants, and there should be laws stating how far from the entrance someone must be to smoke - 250 feet away. There should be no smoking on city property or public school property, especially in public parks and their parking lots. No Smoking signs should be installed in these locations, and signage should also be on all businesses stating how far one should be from the door to smoke. A phone number should be posted on all of the no smoking signs for reporting offenders. Until we state the rules, and have some way to enforce them, we, and our children will breath second hand smoke with every trip to the grocery store, pet store, and restaurant within the city of Allen. It is high time to clean up our act and get the same smoking regulations that Plano, Richardson, McKinney, Arlington, Ft Worth, Dallas, and the rest have had for a long time.
