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To: Richard D. Holcomb, VA DMV Commissioner and Governor Ralph Northam

Petition to allow 8-character vanity plates in VA

Right now our automobile license plates are limited to combinations of 7 letters or numbers. Our southern neighbor, NC, has no problem with making 8-character plates. Neither should VA. Let VA drivers have an extra letter!

Why is this important?

As we're forced to pay exorbitant fees to operate our vehicles anyway, many drivers choose to order custom vanity plates. Believing we're still served by party lines and 5-digit phone numbers, the VA DMV has yet to expand our plates beyond 7 characters. Allowing 8 letters will allow for new, unique plate numbers plus more and better vanity plates, meaning more revenue. Let's go for 8 in 2013!



2020-07-30 01:36:42 -0400

50 signatures reached