To: President Donald Trump, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Allow a Parole Hearing For Decedrick Gainous

My son was convicted of a crime and given a sentence of life in prison with a possibility of parole after 40 years. He was given a capital charge by association. This was a first offense. The 40 years is a long time coming. For some reason it seems to never come. I'm asking TDCJ to allow my son his time to present to the parole board.

Why is this important?

My son was convicted of a crime and at the time he was 18 and now 39 years old. He has been in Texas Department of Corrections since 1994. He was given a life sentence, with a possibility of porale in 40 years. According to prison time, he has been in there 40 years. Prison time is somewhat different from regular time. For some reason the 40 years seems to never come. So I'm asking if you would please sign my petition. Please allow my son a fair chance for a parole hearing.