To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Allow CDC to investigate gun violence

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is banned from investigating gun violence although they are the agency best equipped to do it. Please change this ban and order the CDC to investigate the causes and possible solutions for gun violence in the United States.

Why is this important?

Children and adults should be able to go to school without fear. Schools are beginning to respond to the gun crisis by putting guns on campus. Stores, sports events and theaters are adding armed guards. More guns are definitely not the answer. We need a prompt and thorough examination of the reasons for, and possible solutions to, the gun violence that is escalating across our nation. The CDC is the perfect entity to investigate and suggest solutions to this problem. They are, after all, the agency charged with dealing with epidemics that kill. We need your help to get Congress and the Senate to withdraw the ban and order the CDC to start investigating this crisis immediately.
