To: The Nevada State House, The Nevada State Senate, and Governor Steve Sisolak

Allow Fire Performing at Burning Man!

The Nevada law that goes into effect Jan 1, 2012 states:

CHAPTER 237 [Approved: June 2, 2011]

AN ACT relating to fire protection; codifying in statute the requirement in regulation that a person obtain a certificate of registration before acting as a fire performer; authorizing a person to act as a fire performer if the person holds a certificate of registration as an apprentice fire performer; providing for the application for and issuance of a certificate of registration as an apprentice fire performer; prohibiting an apprentice fire performer from acting as a fire performer without certain supervision; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

It would be a major headache for people who come to Burning Man, a major event in Nevada with lots of fire performers from not only in the US but around the world. The law would also make it a major headache for the state to process and approve all such certificates before the event.

Please amend this law to allow fire performing at the Burning Man event without having to obtain a certificate of registration.

Why is this important?

As of January 2012, the state of Nevada will require a certificate of registration before one can fire perform, be it fire breathing, poi, or something else. This is a call to allow such performances during and at the Burning Man event without having to obtain a certificate.
