To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Allow The Bush Tax Cuts To Expire

50% of Americans received nothing from the Bush tax cuts because they paid no income tax. Since I made well under $250,000 a year my tax cut was only $600 a year. Will $600 even pay for a daily cup of coffee from the local coffee stands? The truth is we are not facing a cliff we are facing a speed bump. Let the Bush tax cuts expire and then if the republicans decide to cooperate pass a real middle class tax cut based of the FICA tax. To pay for this real tax cut remove the cap on Social Security taxes and have the upper class pay their fair share for once.

Why is this important?

The Bush tax cuts were designed by the wealthy for the wealthy. When Bill Clinton was president everyone did just fine without these tax cuts. There were 23 million jobs created under Bill Clinton in an expanding economy with government budget surpluses becoming the new routine. It's time we return to those years by allowing the Bush tax cuts to just expire.
