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To: ABC News, NBC News, Fox News, CNN, Facebook, PBS, NPR, and CBS News

Allow Third Party Candidates into the Debates

Allow third party candidates for the Libertarian, Socialist Party USA, and Tea Party to participate in the 2012 Presidential Debates.

Why is this important?

The American government is falling apart. The two-party system is no longer serving the needs of the American people as a whole, which is causing the rise of stronger third party candidates and protests such as Occupy Wall Street. The American people need to know the platforms and names of candidates other than Republican and Democrat candidates to where they know that there are other options. This petition is to allow third party candidates from the Libertarian, Socialist Party USA, Green Party, and Tea Party to be included in national presidential debates. It will allow the American people to have an alternative to who they are voting for and give the third party candidates a chance to be known and heard instead of stifled because of the lack of corporate funding and support.



2020-08-24 11:32:53 -0400

25 signatures reached