25 signatures reached
To: Julie Horner, Principle
Alternatives to Physical Education
Several students do not get the exercise "gym" class is meant to assist with because they are not comfortable playing some of the sports they are forced to participate in. An alternative to physical education, such as a dance class or a work out program, would allow all students to get the essential amount of exercise needed.
Why is this important?
I personally feel physical education class is targeted toward the more athletically gifted students, aka "gym class heroes." An alternative choice would allow those who are not gifted a chance at getting the exercise they need. I personally would much rather work out my muscles than stand around watching a few students run back and forth on a field. Sometimes I feel very intimidated when 6 foot tall jocks push past me to retrieve the ball; dancing is something I do outside of school so therefore I am much more comfortable dancing than running after a ball I don't know what to do with.