To: Governor Andrew Cuomo

Alumni Urge Governor Cuomo to Re-Invest To Make CUNY and SUNY Affordable Again

New York's public universities, CUNY and SUNY, are less and less affordable. Steady declines in state funding have transferred more of the operating costs to students and their families with steady, steep tuition increases. Most New Yorkers’ salaries have been flat for decades, so tuition hikes, including the latest $1500 increase, are an unfair tax on working and middle class New Yorkers. Sign to tell Governor Cuomo you want N.Y. to once again lead the nation in offering the high quality, affordable college education New Yorkers need and deserve.

Why is this important?

New York once led the U.S. in providing an affordable, high quality public college or university education. I benefited greatly and am one of hundreds of thousands of CUNY and SUNY alumni who believe that a college degree should not put you in debt for decades.  I'm urging all New Yorkers, but especially my fellow alumni, if CUNY and SUNY were there for you, think about the students who come after you. They are your neighbors, your children, and grandchildren. Public investment in higher education is a sound investment for the state and for our communities.