To: Jeff Bezos, CEO Clean Up Your Environmental Impact Act

Demand that address their Greenpeace-rated environmental impact F grade, for being one of the dirtiest corporate energy users, and start using renewable energy sources and provide transparent reporting of their impact.

Why is this important?

Environmental organization Greenpeace has published its “How green is your cloud” report, which gave Amazon a failing grade for its lack of clean energy and not being transparent enough about the details of its cloud infrastructure, and found Amazon Web Services remains one of the dirtiest energy users. They emphasized that the scientific community is warning against our continued reliance on energy technologies in the past, which could put our future in grave danger, and that our world is headed for trouble due to climate change and our reliance to dirty sources of energy. Our company is both a large customer, as well as being a large seller on, and we want them to take responsibility to become a better planetary corporate citizen. Apple received an F rating years ago from Greenpeace, and because of public pressure, has now received an A+ rating, and produces 94% of its power from renewable sources. So corporate change is possible if simply steps up to the plate and is willing to spend some of its massive profits on protecting the future of our planetary environment, because lack of doing so will be sawing off the branch they sit on.
