To: The Missouri State House, The Missouri State Senate, and Governor Mike Parson

Amend 85% Mandatory Prison Terms

Many of us have friends or family that have been incarcerated and seperated from us for extended periods of time. The prisons are over-crowded and the states are broke. The United States has the largest prison population on the planet which is a testament to the failure of our society in general. What ever happend to rehabilitation? Isn't it irronic that corporations can steal billions and move entire car plants over seas while a petty car theif serves 10-15 years? This is no absolution of petty crime, but rather moving towards fair practices. This amendment will merily make it mandatory to review the status of incarcerated persons more seriously and regularly, preferencing the use of good discretion over profiteering. If prisons are allowed to pursue incarcertion for profit, isn't it inevitable that we may all one day find ourselves behind bars? Tell Rep Steven Tilley, MO House of Representatives, 201 West Capital Ave, Rm 308A, Jefferson City, MO 65101 (573) 751-1488 to move the amendment to LWOP 1067 to the house floor.

Why is this important?

The proposal to amend the 85% mandatory prison term was added to the LWOP bill 1067 and is currently in commitee. We need your support to get this bill on the floor.