The Florida "stand your ground" law must be amended. The law must include language that prevents an individual from pursuing another person and being able to claim "self-defense." It is completely irresponsible and dangerous to have such an ambiguous law in place that doesn't consider the full circumstances of a given situation. Please support amending the Florida "stand your ground" law.
Why is this important?
The Trayvon Martin case blatantly highlights the current loopholes that are present with current "Self-Defense" and "Stand Your Ground Laws". Whether using "Self-Defense" or "Stand Your Ground" a person should not be able to pursue someone and claim "Self-Defense". A situation should be looked at entirely when a person is claiming "Self-Defense" or "Stand Your Ground". Language must be included in our laws that guards against a person being able to pursue another person but then claim "Self-Defense" or "Stand Your Ground".