To: The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, Governor Eric Holcomb, and The United States House of Representatives
Amendd IC 35-42-3.5
While Indiana's human trafficking law makes some "provisions" for victims of human trafficking, victims--in many cases--will end up with a felony on their record and will not be able to get a well-paying job. After victims have been rescued and restored, they should be given "services" to help them find a job that fits their educational and skill background and they should not have a criminal record. They should be protected legally in their pursuit of a job from criminials who will undoubtedly try to sabatoge their attempts to be free from the crime ring. Secondly, the two-year statute of limitations should be struck down.
Why is this important?
This law needs to be re-examined. First, the statue of limitations is two years for victims to seek retribution. There should be no statute of limitations. Secondly, victims of human trafficking should not have a felony on their record, a fact the state of Michigan has just supported. Felons will not be able to get a well-paying job and will have no choice but to go back to their pimp and face unspeakable punishment/s from him/her.