To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

American Citizens Who Respect Our Leader: President Obama!

Please Stop Your Disrespect towards Our President Obama and instead fuel that disrespect into Progressive Energy. Focus on America and We The People Of These United States. Remember: Together WE: STAND!!! Divided WE: FALL!!! God Bless President Obama & First Family; God Bless America; God Bless This: His World!!! Gotta Love, Earnestean Holloway, (Sam's Wife)...Smiles!!! One American Citizen!!! Amen!!!

Why is this important?

President Obama Was Elected by the American People to serve as: Leader Of The United States Of America!!! As the Head and Chief in Charge We the American People owe him due Respect. We must remember that We are looked upon as a World Leader and that for us to disrespect the Man that was Voted into Office by the Majority of American People is simply put: Just Wrong!!! Never in the History of an American President has "Disrespect" been so displayed. How can we expect other Countries to keep looking to us when we the People look down talk down and try to press down the Leader of this "The Free World". Respect has never hurt damaged or killed anyone it only makes for better feeling within onesself and a greater life. Lets do it AMERICA!!! Give Respect unto him which it is due: President Barack Obama and see that it becomes: A Better Day...A Better America...A Better World In Which We All Live!!!