To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

American government: defend artist expression!

The bailed-out insurance giant American International Group is currently bringing legal action against a local band from Louisville, Kentucky, AIG, for copyright infringement.

Tell Amerian International Group to Back Off!

Why is this important?

My name is William Sowder. I've always dreamed of being a guitar player in a band. I've also always dreamed of living in a country of equal opportunity, and expression. Today, myself and my band are facing a legal quagmire, as American International Group, an insurance giant that was bailed out by the American taxpayer, has deemed our band name unacceptable.

According to wikipedia, American International Group had a market capitalization of $57.3 billion, with a capital B!

If you believe in progressive political change, please, help me tell the government that we can't let megacorporations run rough-shod over our voices, our dignity, and our freedom of expression!