To: President Donald Trump

American Sign Language in Public Schools

We have over 7,000 Deaf Americans in Corpus Christi, Texas alone. They are of all nationalities. Why are we not teaching our children to speak their language too? We have French classes, Spanish classes and many others, but there are no Sign Language classes in High school ! I am petitioning to have Sign Language Classes brought into our public schools !

Why is this important?

My petition is about educating our children in another language. We have many languages in our world today. In our schools, we have to learn some of them to graduate. I want to make American Sign Language one of these languages our children have to learn. As a mother of a deaf child, I know first hand what happens when people don't take the time to try to understand him. Many problems can and have occurred. It's not like, " you live in America, so learn English! " Deaf Americans don't have a choice to learn another language ! Please sign my petition to have American Sign Language taught to our children in our schools .