To: Francis Slay, Mayor, City of St. Louis, Missouri, President Donald Trump, Alan Green (MO-67), The Missouri State House, The Missouri State Senate, Governor Mike Parson, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States S...

"American Slave Culture added to the U.S. Constitution"

"American Slaves" is the proper terminology that should be added to the U.S. Constitution to help correct an injustice to the Descendants of American Slaves.

Why is this important?

The American Slave Culture has been improperly released from slavery. America is a nation that operates with laws, codes, references, referendum and proper legal documentation. Calling the culture Black or African American is out of order. Black is a color, a description, an adjective. It is not a Nationality or culture. It's not a noun (Person, Place or Thing). African American is a United States immigration term for those whites and blacks who come from Africa seeking U.S. citizenship. The American Slave Culture has been struggling since the Civil War, not Black America. African Americans have a country that they can return to. The American Slaves were born on the plantations in the south. They are natural born citizens. American Slaves were America's first born offspring who have been neglected by America. We are all Americans and we are only as strong as our weakest link. Slavery was the foundation and the bedrock to the American economy. The descendants of American Slavery are the crack in the foundation, and we must help the weakest link if our nation is going to be made whole. Sign this petition asking Congress to properly include the American Slave Culture to be included in the U.S. Constitution.
