To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

American's need jobs

American's need jobs. That is the bottom line! President Obama put out a call to Congress to pass a jobs bill at a Press Conference on the morning of June 8th, 2012 so America and its people can move forward to a better life for all!!!

Anyone interested in signing this petition is standing with and behind President Obama calling on Congress to pass a Jobs Bill. We must get our country moving and grow prosperity again. Our Congress is divided, it is up to we the people to put the pressure on Congress and stand with our President to have any chance of moving our country forward.

Why is this important?

President Obama called out to Congress to pass a jobs bill at a press conference onJune, 8th, 2012.

People might like to sign the petition to get the country moving again. It is questionable that Congress will respond to his call, as they have not in the past. Our President needs a boost from we the people that choose to stand behind him.
