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To: Members of the American Mountain Guides Association

AMGA BOD request to update By-laws

Members of the AMGA Board of Directors,

We, a concerned group of AMGA members and guides, are writing to propose a necessary update to our organization's by-laws. Our motivation for this proposal arises from a pressing need for a more logical distribution of power within our organization.

We are concerned with the current structure in which many elected board directors may be beholden to the Technical Director, either as employees or as guides working through the Mountain Guide program. Conflicts like these can put any number of people on the board and in the organization at any given time into a compromised position, where a vote or decision will be influenced by conflicting roles as employee, candidate, or supervisor.

This conflict can make it difficult for these members to express opposing opinions or provide unbiased perspectives.

In response to this challenge, we propose that the Technical Director and Executive Director transition into advisory roles, offering their expertise and guidance to the board without direct voting privileges. By adopting this approach, we aim to promote a more inclusive decision-making process, fostering diverse perspectives and encouraging collaborative solutions.

We firmly believe that these changes are merely a step in a longer growth process that is already underway. Ultimately, our research has led us to believe that the AMGA should, in the coming years, seek out a full third party review of its by-laws and conflict of interest statement in order to assess the substance and implications of said policies on the organization and the membership.

We are thrilled that some of these changes are already on the agenda for the upcoming BOD meeting and we firmly believe that these proposals will promote a more democratic and inclusive AMGA, ensuring a bright and dynamic future for our organization. Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to engaging in further discussions about these changes and working together to strengthen the AMGA for the benefit of all its members.


Why is this important?

Help us drive positive change in the AMGA by requestion long overdue changes to the By-Laws which will help create a more equitable distribution of influence and power on the Board of directors.

How it will be delivered

Once signed, the petition will be submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration in the upcoming, November board meeting, via the Executive Director, Matt Wade.

The petition will only be live thru November 10th in order to ensure it is submitted in time for the meeting on the 15th.



2024-01-05 12:26:35 -0500

100 signatures reached

2023-11-12 20:17:54 -0500

Quick update: Since handing over the petition, we have had 5 more signatures, and they appear to still be rolling in. I will submit an updated version to the BOD after the weekend and with any luck, we'll hit the 10 remaining signatures we need to hit 100 (which is arbitrary, but would still feel great).

2023-11-11 10:47:28 -0500

Last night, I sent the final version to Matt Wade with 85 signatures on it. Including many influential members of the AMGA.

Many people reached out to me both showing their support but feeling they had to remain neutral due to other obligations, and, more concerningly, inquiring about the visibility, because they were afraid of having their names on something that could be seen as partisan and impact them in their future with the AMGA.

I am excited that these conversations came up, because they highlight a sentiment that clearly exists in our community. Equally, I had some amazing conversations with AMGA leadership, expressing my concerns, and can wholeheartedly say that I feel like we are in good hands, with leaders that are receptive to our voices and have are actively seeking out ways to make sure we are all comfortable respectfully voicing our opinions.

Looking forward to the years ahead and continued positive growth as a community!


2023-11-08 00:40:39 -0500

50 signatures reached

2023-11-06 16:57:17 -0500

25 signatures reached

2023-11-06 11:26:15 -0500

10 signatures reached