To: President Donald Trump
Amnesty for Adam Crapser and all international adoptees!
There are thousands of adoptees from overseas whose parents were irresponsible and did not get their adopted children naturalized so that they became American citizens. Even after decades of living here in the USA, working, contributing to society, paying taxes, raising families--many adoptees are now being deported back to places where they don't know the language or have any connection to other than simply being born there. Many, like Adam Crapser, are being held in federal detention centers awaiting deportation. This is a miscarriage of justice. These adoptees did not choose to come to the USA, but they have made it their home. They deserve to become US Citizens. We need to grant them amnesty.
Why is this important?
I am a Korean adoptee. I have hundreds of friends who are also adoptees. I have two brothers who are also Vietnamese adoptees. I am lucky that my parents were responsible and got us naturalized, but thousands aren't so fortunate and are too afraid to speak up for fear of being deported. We need to create awareness now and stop the deportation of Adam Crapser so that he can go back to his wife and children.