To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

An Emergency Petition to Pass The Jobs Bill Now !!

We want The Senate and House both Democrats and Republicans to pass what we consider an "Emergency Jobs Bill" without further delay. Stop the unnecessary delay by holding this bill hostage...Pass it now!

Why is this important?

We cannot wait any longer...our people need jobs now!!! The longer we wait, the more people will be unemployed. It is time to take our country back from unconcerned Senate and House Representatives who don't care. Our people need to get back to work. There are millions of families who are suffering. Both Democrats and Republicans need to pass this important piece of legislation. We have the power to accomplish a great jobs reform bill. We also need to get all those jobs that were sent over seas back to the US. We must take care of our own first, here in the United States not abroad!! Call, write, e-mail, twitter, fax, and sign this petition so we can build our great nation back to the freedom-loving place it used to be. I support the "We Are the 99"s." Take a solid stand now and stand up for what is right and justified for our piece of the American Dream. I stand for liberty and justice for all....we will protect this country because it belongs to us.