To: Authorities of the Mormon Church

An Open Letter to Leaders of the Mormon Church

A historic summary judgment on the issue of marriage equality was announced on Friday, December 20, 2013, in Salt Lake City, the world headquarters of the LDS Church. Judge Shelby, a federal judge in Utah struck down the State’s gay-marriage ban, known as Amendment 3, which was passed in 2004. He determined there is no rational reason for the state of Utah to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry.

Further and more importantly, he ruled that the provision violated a federal constitutional right to marry and failed to pass scrutiny on either equal protection or due process grounds. The court held that Utah’s law banning same-sex marriage was unconstitutional because it denies the plaintiffs their rights to due process and equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Same sex marriages commenced immediately. However, after multiple hearings and rulings dismissing a stay of action, there are counties that are still refusing to issue licenses to same sex couples. It is common knowledge that these counties are predominately Mormon. The connection between religion and the inability to comply with this federal ruling is obvious. The Church and its members have a history of lagging decades behind on civil rights issues.

The Mormon’s Church’s 12th article of faith says “We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law.” It is time for the leaders of the Mormon Church to issue a statement supporting the law of the land and asking members of the church to be good citizens and obey, honor and sustain the law.

Mormon authorities have a choice to act now and demonstrate the love and benevolence that Pope Francis is currently showing the world. They have a chance to lead and show the world what Christ-like love looks like. They have a chance now to refrain from politically charged language. They have the chance now to affirm the sacredness and wisdom of our constitution and affirm that it was crafted so as to not allow a single child of God to be mistreated.

Mormon authorities have a chance to act now and sustain all families. They should support and affirm Judge Shelby’s ruling that “Amendment 3 “humiliates thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples… [and that] Utah’s prohibition of same-sex marriage further injures the children of both opposite-sex and same-sex couples who themselves are gay or lesbian, and who will grow up with the knowledge that the State does not believe they are as capable of creating a family as their heterosexual friends.” They should affirm and support that “If anything, the recognition of same-sex marriage expands religious freedom because some churches that have congregations in Utah desire to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies but are currently unable to do so.”

There is still time for Mormon authorities to lead their membership toward a more loving inclusive world.

Why is this important?

The Mormon Church has taken an active role in denying same sex couples equality.

No rational reason. It is simple as that. Opposition is based only on fear.
