To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown

Anatomical Organ Donor

My petition is to change the qualifications for people waiting on the organ donor wait list. If more people sign up to be organ donors, then the wait time would be reduced. The fact is that not everyone is an organ donor. Those who are signed up to be organ donors should be the first in line to receive organ transplants. Those who are not organ donors should be moved to the back of the line. Once this is signed into law everyone would be notified when the renew their license. They would be informed that if they didnt sign up that they are at the back of the wait list. It is not fair to give organs to people that were not willing to sign up as donors themselves.

Why is this important?

The national wait time for organs for people is on the rise. Kidney wait times on average are 1219 days. The system for the wait list needs to change. There is a better way.
