To: President Donald Trump and The United States House of Representatives
Animal Abuse: Standing Up for Harsher Penalties
Stop letting animal abusers off with just a slap on the wrist! Lets be the voice for these loving, loyal creatures<3
Why is this important?
On January 30, I saw and read an article about a Pennsylvania man who duct taped his dog's muzzle as well as front and back legs. I hear about animal abuse a lot but for some reason this story chilled me to the core. The worst part about this story is the lack of punishment. The judge in this case, Joseph Kameen, is still allowing this cold, heartless man to own another animal because there was no prior history of abuse. This man ultimately wanted to end this dog's life with a firearm. We need to bring nation wide attention to the fact that regardless of history or no history, ANIMALS ARE FAMILY, which means they need to be treated like family! WE ARE their voice. WE ARE their hope. WE ARE their protectors. Please help me to stand up for harsher penalties!