To: All 26 Corporate Sponsors of the program

Animal Planet Sponsor Boycott

Over 10,000 people have signed petitions or posted negative comments on Facebook asking Animal Planet to pull its "Monster Week" programs, especially "Man-Eating Super Wolves," off the air. Now we want to let the commercial sponsors of that program know that we will not buy their products and services if they continue to sponsor this or any "Monster Week" program on Animal Planet. "Man-eating Super Wolves" is sensationalized, inaccurate, and threatens to seriously inflame the public's fear of and hostility toward wolves--an endangered or threatened species throughout the contiguous United States. This undermines 40 years of conservation work.

Why is this important?

I started a commentary about this program on Animal Planet's Facebook page and have received over 3,500 supportive comments. This also spawned a MoveOn petition demanding the show be cancelled. I would like to reach everyone who signed that petition (over 6,000 at last check). If you could alert them to this petition, this one will receive broad support.