To: Ann Arbor City Council
Ann Arbor Demands Police Oversight & Alternatives to Policing
We, the residents of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County, call on the Ann Arbor City Council and Mayor to demonstrate leadership in establishing community oversight of police and directing resources to crucial alternatives to policing.
Why is this important?
I'm an Ann Arbor resident and mother who is insulted that our City Council spent $230k of our tax dollars to fund a biased and unscientific study by a consulting firm of former police officers. The A2 City Council needs to stop wasting time and money and take leadership to establish a police review board that is representative, transparent, independent, empowered, grounded in restorative practices, and adequately funded, and to redirect resources to crucial alternatives to policing.
Go to this link to read the 11/16 statement from community members who have formed Transforming Justice Washtenaw to advocate for heart-based and restorative alternatives to policing and incarceration in Washtenaw County.
Go to this link to read the 11/16 statement from community members who have formed Transforming Justice Washtenaw to advocate for heart-based and restorative alternatives to policing and incarceration in Washtenaw County.