To: Rep. Tom Emmer (MN-6)
Apologize to Huma Abedin
Mrs Bachmann,
I am both shocked and appalled by your recent character assassination of Huma Abedin and the people who work directly and indirectly with her.
You have made claims that are not only incorrect, but offensive and just plain silly.
Please apologize to her and the other people you have insulted and possibly endangered by your short sighted comments.
I am both shocked and appalled by your recent character assassination of Huma Abedin and the people who work directly and indirectly with her.
You have made claims that are not only incorrect, but offensive and just plain silly.
Please apologize to her and the other people you have insulted and possibly endangered by your short sighted comments.
Why is this important?
Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN-6) recently made public comments accusing Huma Abedin of being associated with a terrorist organization. These accusations are obviously false. Please sign this petition asking Mrs Bachmann to apologize for her absurd character assassination and insult to the world's peace-loving Muslim community.