To: James Goldston, ABC News President
ABC: Apologize to the Garner family and all the families of victims of police violence that were ...
ABC squandered an important opportunity to host a much-needed national conversation on race with President Obama. ABC disrespected the families of Black men and women killed by police by prioritizing ratings over a real dialogue.
Why is this important?
One year ago, on July 17, 2015, Eric Garner, was killed by numerous police. The murder was recorded on camera. His words, "I can't breathe" were heard around the world and further compelled the movement for justice in our country.
But the Department of Justice investigation has not yet resulted in charges against the officer who took Eric Garner's life. As the anniversary approaches, it is important to note that Erica Garner, Eric's daughter and her family have not had any closure.
Activist Erica Garner was invited to the ABC's Presidential Town Hall with the promise that her voice would be heard—that she and other family members who have lost their loved ones to police violence would be able to ask the important questions our country must face in order to heal.
But ABC broke its promise, and denied the invited family members of police violence the opportunity to speak.
The Garner family grieves along with the families of Mike Brown and all other victims of police violence. They deserve to speak and air their grievances just as the families of the fallen Dallas officers and police authorities had a chance to do. Their lives matter and the town hall with the President of the United States was a disrespectful step backwards for all the families working to achieve justice. This is why we say #BlackLivesMatter.
But the Department of Justice investigation has not yet resulted in charges against the officer who took Eric Garner's life. As the anniversary approaches, it is important to note that Erica Garner, Eric's daughter and her family have not had any closure.
Activist Erica Garner was invited to the ABC's Presidential Town Hall with the promise that her voice would be heard—that she and other family members who have lost their loved ones to police violence would be able to ask the important questions our country must face in order to heal.
But ABC broke its promise, and denied the invited family members of police violence the opportunity to speak.
The Garner family grieves along with the families of Mike Brown and all other victims of police violence. They deserve to speak and air their grievances just as the families of the fallen Dallas officers and police authorities had a chance to do. Their lives matter and the town hall with the President of the United States was a disrespectful step backwards for all the families working to achieve justice. This is why we say #BlackLivesMatter.