To: Timothy Cook, CEO

Apple to add Farsi/Persian to iphone Keyboard

Help persuade Apple to add Farsi/Persian to Apple Keyboard.

Why is this important?

Please help stop corporate discrimination against Farsi, Persian, and Iranian-Americans. There are close to 2 million Iranian-Americans in the United States with strong economic status ranging from major business owners, surgeons, dentists, professors, entertainers, and many serving in local governments. Their financial status enables them to support all Apple products. It is strange that the Apple keyboard amongst many languages offers Czech, Croatian, Estonian, Hawaiian, Latvian, Macedonian, Slovak, Tamil, and Tibetan, but intentionally refuses Farsi or Persian. This is either a political statement or an act of prejudice against over 100 million Farsi speaking people in the world and two million Persian-Americans.
As Persian-Americans we would like to receive acknowledgment of our language, Farsi/Persian, and our heritage country, Iran, on the Apple keyboard list of languages and countries. We ask CEO Cook to help implement this request in appreciation for the support we have provided to Apple.