To: Tim Cook, CEO, Apple Inc., Apple Inc. shareholders


Apple Inc., respect human beings and respect your consumers. Use labor practices acceptable in the United States. CEO Tim Cook, please use your conscience, steering Apple to true greatness by respecting the human rights and dignity of the people who manufacture Apple products.

Why is this important?

We are Apple consumers (and shareholders), some fairly loyal, some prospective buyers. iPods, iPhones, iPads, etc. have captured our imaginations, and the general feel of Apple products has inspired us to think Apple is a special company that cares about people.

Though, we are appalled and disturbed by the fact that these products are being manufactured, in some part, by children working 16-hour days, by workers living in factory farm or prison-like dormitories, working inhumanely long hours, under immense pressure to produce, being injured without medical attention, then fired. Meanwhile, Apple makes record profits and shareholders enjoy the freedom to not work at all if they so choose.

As Apple consumers, we believe Apple Inc. must take responsibility for reforming its labor practices, committing to transparent and fair labor standards; standards acceptable within the borders of the United States.

We enjoy Apple's technology, but if we don't see real, tangible, evident reform and transparency on the part of Apple Inc., each of us will have to decide whether Apple is a company we want to support at all - especially when its products are already more expensive than competing products, which grow more competitive and attractive each day.

*Note that Tim Cook, whose net worth is estimated at $400 million, new CEO of Apple, recently received a $376 million signing bonus - just to accept the position.