To: Tim Cook, Apple CEO
Apple: Start Making Devices In The USA
Tell Tim Cook: Address Apple's labor problems, create much-needed jobs, and raise the bar for the rest of the technology industry. Start making devices in the USA!
Why is this important?
After admitting that the foreign manufacturers and assemblers contracted to make its devices engage in inhumane labor practices, Apple has done little to definitively address the problem. Granted, such inaction may have to do with the limited influence Apple has over the labor policies of its contractors and the regulatory regimes of foreign countries. However, this is no excuse for Apple's continued use of what effectively amounts to slave labor to make iPhones, iPads and other gadgets, especially as millions remain jobless in the United States, whose consumer market is largely responsible for making Apple so successful. We are calling upon CEO Tim Cook to make good on his promise to address Apple's labor problems - and reinvest in the consumers of its products - by bringing those jobs back the United States, where labor protections and industry regulations will prevent the ongoing abuse that is rampant in overseas labor markets.