To: Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts

Appoint Barney Frank For Interim Appointment To Massachusette Senate

Join me and thousands of others in appointing former Congressman, and champion of Medicare and Medicaid rights, Barney Frank to be appointed to the open Massachusettes Senate seat.

Why is this important?

Help draft Barney Frank, former Congressman, to fill the open Massachusettes Senate seat in the interim. Mr. Frank has been a champion of Medicade, Medicare and numerous other social programs that have been under constant attack from the right for years. He has vowed that if appointed, he will dedicate himself to protecting social programs and has the experience that is necessary at a time when Congress will take up critically important economic issues facing the country.
If the Republicans get their way during the next upcoming budget negotiations less than two months from now all Americans lose out whether young or old. Cuts to these social programs would not only be devastating for seniors but would affect us all as drug companies would inevitably raise their prices.

Currently, in addition to my "premium" health "entitlement" rather than "right" I pay close to 5,000 dollars in co-pays and other fees a year. A strong leader, Barney Frank, is dedicated to defending basic health rights for all. Join me in nominating Barney Frank to fill the Massachusettes open seat in the Senate.
