To: Wendy Davis, Tx State Senate, Name, Title or Position (optional), The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

Approve Medicaid for Obamacare

Join me in my request that Gov. Perry cooperate with Obamacare, now with the Healthcare law of the land. We request that he agree to implement TX Medicaid insurance exchnge immediately.

Why is this important?

Medicaid exchange to get the Obamcare Benefts, blocked by Gov. Perry.This is a specialal healthcare access Exchange that will provide healthcare for millions of texans that not hve any coverage. It is being blocked by Gov Rick Perry fior obvious psrtisan reasons, since the Federal Gov wil pay fo the exchange the first 3 years, and cost TX govenment nothing. Lets petitionto have the Governor allow the Medicaid Exchnge.