To: Atlanta Public Schools Board of Education

APS: Relocate the Students of Booker T. Washington High School Now!

Students at Booker T. Washington High School must be relocated to a building that is safe, healthy and free of mold while their school is remediated from a mold epidemic. This must happen NOW!

Why is this important?

The students of Booker T. Washington High School have been getting ill due to mold exposure at school since August 2013. The APS Board of Education has voted to relocate students of another school who are not facing a major health hazard into a new location; however, despite pleas by students, parents and community leaders to relocate the students and teachers at Booker T. Washington to another location while the mold is remediated, the APS Board of Education has refused. The students and teachers at Washington High School deserve a healthy learning environment and the same consideration and respect that is given to other students and teachers in the Atlanta Public Schools system. In order to prevent further illness, they must be relocated NOW!