To: Ms. Bicknell, APUSH Teacher

APUSH Students: Move the Midterm!

Dear Ms. Bicknell,

Please move the Midterm to next week, which will allow us time to better prepare. We understand that this means that the test will be on a "blackout" day, and we are OK with that.

Your APUSH Students

Why is this important?

We are students in Ms. Bicknell's 7th Period APUSH class which will have its midterm THIS Friday, the 12th. We believe that in order to perform as well as we know we could, we need more than one class between the test and now to study. Considering that we are coming off of a break and there is no purpose period this week to have a full review session, we would like the test to be moved. We understand that this will mean the Midterm will happen on a History testing "blackout" day, and we are ok with that.
