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To: President Donald Trump


We the people demand that the ALCOHOL ENERGY SECURITY ACT originally signed by former President Jimmy Carter; under National Security, be implemented now, using the AQUAHOL Technology that was recommended by his agricultural administration (U.S.D.A. FEATURE BULLETIN # 771-80) as being 800% more efficient than the current GASOHOL (90% gasoline 10% ethanol) mandate.

Why is this important?

WE THE PEOPLE WILL STOP BUYING GAS from EXXON to demonstrate PEOPLE POWER on the CLIMATE CRISIS from burning dirty poisonous diesel oil that is causing the Climate Crisis and 70% of Lung Cancer. Start using the ALCOHOL ENERGY SECURITY ACT; originally signed by former President Jimmy Carter under National Security.

Start burning Clean & Safe AQUAHOL (80% alcohol 20% H20).



2021-10-21 23:49:50 -0400

10 signatures reached